Jose Bragato was born in Udine on October 12, 1915,in the province of Friuli, Northern Italy. He came from a
family of musicians and artists. His uncle Giuseppe Bragato was the original author of
the Guide of the City of Udine in 1915 and died when Jose was born. Because of this, Jose's first name is
is Giuseppe. Jose went to the Iacopo Tomadini Convervatorio, first into the chorous in 1925 and
after that, he learned the piano. During the evenings, the family always played music, as his
father, Enrico, was a flautist and had played in several orchestras of Udine. They lived at Giovanni D'Udine 10.
Jose went to Argentina with his mom and his three brothers in 1928. They followed their father, Enrico, a flautist and Enrico's older brother Bruno, also a flautist.
Jose continued to learn and play the piano. In 1930, the City of Buenos Aires was under the waters of the Rio de
Bragato Family lost all their instruments and Jose lost his piano in the floods.
It was a friend of Jose's older brother Bruno, in 1931, who was in the orchestra of Theatre Colon,
who taught him the cello. Maestro Ernest Peltz, a german teacher, who gifted Jose
the cello, a Galeano of 1745. With this wonderful gift, Jose went to the National Converatory of
Music .
His first performances were around 1935, playing folk music of Argentina and Paraguay. In 1937 he
played in several orchestras of tango and jazz. One of his first jobs as violoncellist was in
the Juan de Dios Filiberto Orchestra of Tango, where he was playing with his father Enrico.
In 1943, he did an international proof and went as a violoncellist of the Orchestra of Theatre
Colon. In 1946. he did another proof, with international teachers and was a soloist in
the Philarmonic Orchestra of Buenos Aires. In 1948, he left the Philarmonic and was
on the staff of the Orchestra of Theatre Colon.
At the same time, Jose was the violoncellist of several quartets of classical music and
orchestras of tango. He was the violonvellist of the famous Pessina Quartet and of the
Orchestras of Francini Pontier and others of tango. In 1950, he began conducting orchestras, and at this time, each station had an orchestra and he was conducting and arranging peices for the Orchestra of National Radio, Radio Begrano, as well as many others.
The Vanguard of the Tango occured around 1954 with Astor Piazzolla and the OCTETO BUENOS AIRES. This was the sound that changed tango forever!
Jose became a solid composer of tangos and arranger for camera music, as a violoncellist soloist.
In 1976, he left Argentina and went to the Orchestra of Porto Alegre,
Brazil. After three years, he went to the Universidad of Natal, in North Brazil, and was a teacher of
camera music and conductor of several ensembles of camera music. He also founded
several archivies of classical music in Brazil.
Jose, soon became one of the most famous arrangers in Latinamerica and of Paraquay music, such as guaranias and polkas. He did his last solo when he was 80 years old with the ensemble
of Atilio Stampone in Radio City Music Hall of New York and dancers of Julio Bocca. Jose left his cello at 81 years old. From that moment, he continued to make arrangements for
musicians around the world and for his editorial, Tonos of Germany.
In 1982, Jose came back to Argentina and became the Assesor of Music of the Archives and Popular music of Camera for SADAIC of Argentina, the society of Arrangers and composers of Argentina. From SADAIC, Bragato can send the music of Argentinian musicians around the world to Universities and musicians and students all over the world.
He won the Latin Grammy Award as composer and arranger in 2002, and several awards like "Due Mondi" of Friuli, Italy, and the Francisco Canaro Award of SADAIC, and others.
He worked up to his 97 years old. And died with almost 102 years the last july 18, 2017, in Buenos Aires.
Translation: Nancy Bragato (trademark, reserved all rights, USA)